Destination — next lifetime

Tabitha Lloyd Tanbwell
5 min readFeb 25, 2022

Free floating spirit emanating through the ethers in conversation with God..

God. So.. where would you like to be born this lifetime ?

Spirit. The western world ..say.. New Zealand thanks.

God. No probs at all.. good choice by the way.

Spirit. Thanks.

God. And what sex would you prefer to be this time?

Spirit. I'd like to be a woman this time thanks. Mauri please.

God. Okie dokie then...

Spirit. I'd like to be voluptuous please.

God. Oh.. well that will be up to you to sort out sorry. Try eating alot of oily fish and ice cream when you get down there..

Spirit. Right.

God. So, what limiting disability, condition or physical feature would you like to take up for your life as a mauri woman in New Zealand?

Spirit. Hmmmmmmmm is that a pre-req God? Can't I just be a Mauri woman born in new Zealand and that's it?

God. Yes, sorry, your spirit is next in the box to help contribute to social change on earth next life time .. Can’t get you out of it . Sorry.

Spirit. Oh wow. Not sure Im up to it...

God. So try the hardest one of all, you will get more brownie points that way. Means you only have to face the disability a couple of lifetimes rather than for an eternity in hell. ..

God. Up to you..

Spirit. Ok. So which one do you suggest?

God. Well at your stage of evolution, you have to go through at least 2 lifetimes facing a lifelong disability, then you get to evolve as your favourite animal so you have a lifetime of ridiculous fun straight after the hard lifetime to make up for all your suffering.

Spirit. Oh . Gee. Sounds like it's going to be hard then.

God. Yes. Life wasn’t mean to be easy you know. Don’t worry Im sure you’ll enjoy it.

Spirit. ok.

God. So, you could try a mental health condition. They are very popular on earth right now..

God. You have to go through masses of problems, plus face societal stigma.

Spirit. Societal stigma? You mean discrimination?

God. Ho ho ho ho.. its a little bit harder than discrimination my dear..

Spirit. So it’s like knives and getting bashed and its really scary all the time?

God. Sort of.. you basically won’t get anywhere in life, people will exaggerate everything you do, they will focus on the worst and everyone will hate you. But it’s manageable, if you take medication and be charming at all times.

Spirit. Medication? What's that?

God. It’s the current treatment for a mental health condition. It’s the reason we are sending so many of you down there right now. Society does not accept people with any medical injury unless they are taking medication and cannot work. It’s like a conspiracy against these people.

God. Your job will be to get down there and start waking everyone up. You know.. finding alternative treatments , support movements, recovery programs, cures. All that kind of thing.

God. Stigma has been very bad for mental health since the 1800s. It’s a sore point for alot of souls who have moved on from earth right now. They don’t like us wasting great minds on Stigma and discrimination.

Spirit. I see... so will I have a great mind if I take up having a mental health condition?

God. You won't remember this conversation, of course.. and you are likely to suffer amnesia on several occasions during your druggings...

Spirit. Druggings !!?? What do you mean !!

God. Well. ... that is when you get your treatment usually against your will. You will wake up in a locked room and not remember how you go there or who you are. You are likely to believe you are on a mission from God... which is ironic, because you will be ..

Spirit. I don't think I will enjoy that ..

God. Maybe not but it's all part of the life challenge with this disability. You will just have to grin and bear it ok?

Spirit. I guess so... doesn't sound like I will have a choice!.

God. Never mind , just work on reducing stigma and finding a cure.. try being a musician or an inventor, both will help. One of the main misconceptions is that people with mental health conditions are not very intelligent, they don't have any good ideas and are useless to society. It's why they are not treated very well. Mental health stigma is alot like racism.

Spirit. Racism? You mean skin colour discrimination?

God. Similar yes. Think skin colour discrimination combined with unconditional doubt and mistrust. It’s quite a bad situation.

Spirit. Got it.

God. As part of the higher evolution of mankind we need to eradicate all forms of human suffering & get the people working together on global world peace and environment conservation.

God. Aliens from the end of the galaxy are waiting to show up and share their fandangled technology to propel humanity's intelligence exponentially during the age of Aquarius.. its all mapped out in the plan.. well, my guide to raising and caring for a human race.

Spirit. Wow.. I was dreaming of this last lifetime when I worked for a childcare centre in Mexico.....

God. It’s a very nice final result so don’t worry about that.. humans finally love each other, travel freely all over the earth, share absolutely everything, speak via telepathy, glide around by levitation and use alchemy skills all through their 200years of life while communicating with animals. So don’t worry, great things are coming up so stay in touch.

Spirit. Of course. I will , thank you so much. For everything..

God. Your welcome. There’s just one thing...

Spirit. What's that God??

God. Your best approach is to try for a normal life, get married young, have a family and get your mental illness later in life.. its almost impossible if you get it while you are young.

God. Mental illnesses are often misdiagnosed allergies and hormone problems or short term reactions to life change so be aware of that. You could come across family breakdown, drink spiking, drug addiction, life stress, sexual abuse, poverty, homelessness, peer pressure, gangs, crime, corrupt churches, poor communication skills, family problems or anorexia simultaneous with bullying, autism and friendship angst. It’s a complex very messy issue down there right now.

Spirit. Ok I will keep that in mind.

God. If you fail , humanity may not make it and you will also - go to hell.

Spirit. Yes of course. I will do everything I possibly can.

God. Great, and don’t forget Stay In Touch.!

